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Monday, June 2, 2008


Click the above title for a detailed presentation on the topic
Importance of detoxification
Detoxification, in general is the removal of toxic substances from the body.
There are three different types of toxins that can impact the physiology:

Ama is the most common type of toxin, and is the waste product of incomplete digestion. It forms, sticky, white and foul- smelling , material in the digestive tract when the food one eats is not digested properly.
Amavisha is a more reactive form of ama that forms when ama settles in one part of the body for a long time and mixes with the deeper organs, deeper structures.
Garvisha is the third type of toxin, and unlike the other two, garvisha comes from outside the body. Included are environmental toxins such as chemicals, preservatives, poisons, air and water pollution, genetically engineered foods, synthetics and chemicals in clothing, synthetic drugs, chemicals in household cleansers, and heavy metals such as lead, arsenic and asbestos.
In short the accumulation of toxins, or ama, in the srotas (channels) leads to obstructions in the flow of energy, nourishment and is the basis of disease. Mind may have negative emotions such as fear, anger, greed, guilt that create mental impurities. These "mental toxins" obstruct the flow of positive feelings and mental clarity, and result in chronic psychological and emotional problems. Thus cleansing, detoxifying, purifying body (Ayurvedic Panchakarma) is useful in physical as well as mental disorders.

Disclaimer: The sole purpose of this article is to provide accurate information about Ayurvedic theories. This information is not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concerns, please consult your family physician or health care provider who can fully assess your individual needs and provide the care you require.


Anonymous said...

It was a very good presentation Asavari i think i forgot to tell you that persanally.

Ladies it's very good aurvedic procedure i personally & my husband did this. it is useful definatelly, it won't completelly resolve your problem but decrease it's severity. but honestly until i heard that speech i had no idea , that if it would not done properly this gets very serious side effect or it causes serious damage.
Any ways we made it:-)But it's very lenthy process, really. But it's good( if it,s done properlly.

Anonymous said...

I am really thankful to you for patient and careful listening of the presentation as well the trust
shown by getting the procedure done.
I agree it's a lengthly process but one should not forget that,it
deals with whole body toxins,(ama,and kapha), and its after effects if done properly.And also it is indicated once in a year in normal indivisual.
Emesis(vaman)is said to be the most important,number one treatment in Ayurveda .
Detoxification doesn't mean irradication of disease,but it is throwing of excess unwanted and harmful material to the body .When we clean the clogged pipe,we just take out the excess material that creats obstruction,but to deal with the rust due to it is the next job to be done.
Same way after Emesis(vaman)it is recommended that one should take pacifying herbs and suppliments for some time (depends on indivisual)in order to get optimum results and complete resolution of one's problem.
Thanks again,for keeping the discussion on.