Our Team

Our Core Team is always working towards organizing activities and planning teleconferences. Our activities include:

Free monthly online Seminars
We Invite Specialists to present on topics suggested by members. Our goal is to bring experts to your home so you get your questions answered from Live specialists.

We have in-house talent and we also invite specialists who graciously volunteer their time and knowledge for the benefit of the community

Teleconference-based disussion Sessions
Members engage in open discussions to learn from each other in a live interactive environment.

Get-togethers for Families and Kids
Take some time to relax and get to know your community while kids enjoy doing crafts, playing games and making new friends

Our Current Core Team:

Ulka Shrikhande, MN
Asavari Manvikar, MN
Mugdha Halbe, MN
Gauri Tilloo, NJ
Archana Kulkarni, NJ
Dipti Namjoshi, NY

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Recently, we had a very intense and fulfilling discussion on Raising Children with the Right values, based on the article from parenting.com.
The take-home of our hour-long discussion was a simple, yet very challenging message and we talked about ways that we could or are working towards achieving it:
You need to be what you want your children to Be!
Children learn from observation and the best way to teach them is to treat them the same way you want them to treat you and the world around them. To teach them good values, they need to see us have them, too.
Every child is unique and is born with its own personality. We will have to recognize that and personalize our teaching techniques based on the child.
Give your best to your children, but cut a fine balance between giving too much or too little. The idea is to give enough so that the child does not feel deprived, yet also does not begin to take everything for granted.
Expose your child to healthy competition and have age-appropriate expectations from them.
It may sound like cliché, but its a fact that needs to be reinforced to us, as parents, every so often. If we want our children not to waste food, we have to have a clean plate after dinner; if we want them to respect us, we need to make them feel respected too.
I'll quote from the parenting.com article, a few lines that will hopefully remind ourselves of the role as parents we are in:

Be careful where you go, young man,
Be careful what you do,
Two little eyes are watching you now --
Two little feet will be following you

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