Our Team

Our Core Team is always working towards organizing activities and planning teleconferences. Our activities include:

Free monthly online Seminars
We Invite Specialists to present on topics suggested by members. Our goal is to bring experts to your home so you get your questions answered from Live specialists.

We have in-house talent and we also invite specialists who graciously volunteer their time and knowledge for the benefit of the community

Teleconference-based disussion Sessions
Members engage in open discussions to learn from each other in a live interactive environment.

Get-togethers for Families and Kids
Take some time to relax and get to know your community while kids enjoy doing crafts, playing games and making new friends

Our Current Core Team:

Ulka Shrikhande, MN
Asavari Manvikar, MN
Mugdha Halbe, MN
Gauri Tilloo, NJ
Archana Kulkarni, NJ
Dipti Namjoshi, NY

Monday, December 8, 2008

Common Winter illnesses and their Home Remedies- Asavari Manvikar, Ayurveda Specialsit

Asavari Mavikar, Ayurveda Specialist, presented a very insightful talk on "Common winter illnesses and their home remedies. Click the above title to view the presentation.
Asavari, a gold medalist, earned her MD in Ayurveda from the University of Poona. She conducts numerous workshops in Eden Prairie on Ayurveda and its relevance in our lives. In her phenomenally insightful talk, she educated the group on the seasonal changes in the body constitution. Her talk encompassed common ailments in winter and ways to treat them and keep them under control using the Indian kitchen as medical cabinets. In addition, she also stressed upon times when it is best to take the child to the doctor without waiting for too long. The highly interactive discussion led to answering numerous questions related to illnesses, their causes and home remedies. Asavari also talked about the dietary conditions one should follow during winter and when suffering from a particular illness. She brought home an important principle in Ayurveda that compared the body to soil and the disease-causing germs as the seeds. It is important to keep the “soil” infertile for the germs by boosting the body’s immunity so that the “seeds” will not be able to proliferate and grow. It was an extremely fruitful and informative presentation that all the attendees found very practicable, thorough and impressive.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really missed this session.Where can I get the details?